Switching Gears

Since December 2021, the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States has risen signited States has risen significantly. Between January 3-16, 2022, there were over 10 million cases of COVID-19 reported throughout the nation, bringing the total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic to 65 million, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These numbers are unprecedented, and the global impact of the virus is staggering across all industries, affecting both businesses and the individuals they serve and employ.

Supply chains are still constrained across the globe; innovating product offerings—whether by improving supply storage or incorporating more easily acquirable goods—will help businesses meet demand during major holidays like Valentine’s Day. At a time when hardgoods are a challenge to source, consistent floral supply chain information is crucial; sources like Farm2Florist provide updates on real-time supply from flower farms.

Every year, the biggest challenge during Valentine’s Day is the growing number of gift alternatives to flowers. Send the message that flowers are a tried-and-true complement to any gift or activity. With Valentine’s Day falling on a Monday, flowers can be enjoyed during the week at home and in the workplace. And florists can promote the idea of receiving flowers at the beginning of Valentine’s Day weekend, which will also help with delivery and labor. Our new Learnsection discusses the cost of supply for Valentine’s Day and setting profitable retail prices amid supply chain challenges.

To combat declines in audience engagement stemming from COVID-19, floral designers can position themselves as educators and local experts in social media posts and videos. Promoting flowers is an important part of serving as a floral educator. As the world transitions toward a new sense of normal, renew marketing efforts by making engagement with consumers a top priority. The thoughts and ideas presented by the floriology design team in this issue can help floral designers cultivate inspiration.

Our buzz phrase for 2022 is “be adaptable.” We, too, are adapting by providing our content through a digital platform. Thank you for your continued readership and dedication to floriology. As the year begins, we hope to remain a top source for your floral content.


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